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高三英语作文:My teacher is Mrs600字

时间:2024-04-24 02:49浏览:作者:吕铁娃

My teacher is Mrs. teacher, he is a woman teacher. She was very young. High on the bridge of the nose has a pair of water Lingling big eyes, short hair, looked even younger. He knows everything very knowledgeable. He taught us the language, we call a stroke of word painting, he wrote the word can be beautiful. Always happy with a smile on his face when the nest. She angry when we are afraid to look at her front, only dare to look at the blackboard. We do not always angry teacher, we have to study hard.我的老师是伍老师,他是女老师。她很年轻。高高的鼻梁上长着一双水灵灵的大眼睛,头发短短的,显得更年轻了。他很有学问什么都知道。他教我们语文,一笔一划的`叫我们写生字,他写的字可漂亮了。他高兴的时候脸上总带着笑窝。可她生气的时候我们都不敢正面瞧她,只敢看黑板。我们不要老师总是生气,我们要努力学习。

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《高三英语作文:My teacher is Mrs600字》
